
Monday, December 14, 2015

Our students were really impressive today.  They received many compliments on their behavior and they asked wonderful career questions.  Thank you for sending us such a good group of kids!

Mrs. McCants explains the rifle range to students.
Students take a look at the dorm rooms.

Students watch trainees practice tactical moves.
Students look at the trainee names. 

It's time for class!

This is where trainees spend their free time!

Lunch Time


Sunday, December 13, 2015

This Week's Update
Image result for poetry clipart
Students will wrap up their study of theme and main idea in literature and media this week. They will compare the themes of various reading selections and short films.  As a part of our poetry unit, we will continue to read and write historical poetry.  

Soc. Stu. 
Students will compare immigration and urbanization to complete our study of immigration.  When we return in January, students will discuss the effects of the Great Migration and Women's Rights. 

Image result for field trip clipart
On tomorrow (Monday) students will enjoy a field study at the Department of Justice Academy.  The leaders of our field study will discuss careers in law enforcement and the justice department.  Make sure that your child wears comfortable clothing to school because we will be doing a lot of walking.  

Winter Break takes place on December 21 - January 1.  Enjoy your time together and get plenty of rest!

Monday, December 7, 2015

This Week's Update

We are continuing the novel Letters from Rifka.  Students have recorded quotes and made literary connections during their reading.  They will  identify the theme of the various chapters on this week.  Everyone received Wordly Wise Lesson 4 words today.   For homework on Monday, student were to create study cards for each word. The vocabulary test will take place on  Reading logs were sent home on last Monday.  Each child should be reading 20 minutes at night, recording their reading on the Gamecocks reading log, and obtaining a parent's signature.  The reading logs will be collected on Monday, December 14.  

Social Studies
Image result for social studies clipart
We are presently discussing the labor force and treatment of immigrants during the early 1900s.  Students will create a Voicethread to accommodate the photographs from that time period.  There will be a social studies quiz covering everything we have discussed about immigration on Thursday, December 10.  

Image result for avid clipartAVID
Don't forget to send in your child's permission slip and lunch cost for our field study to the Department of Criminal Justice Academy by Thursday, December 10.  Our field study will take place on Monday, December 14.  This field study is to support the AVID mindset of college readiness and career exploration.  Students wrote letters to colleges asking for information about their institution.  Many of the colleges have responded and the students love receiving mail.  Ask your child to whom he/she sent a letter.