
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Great Depression, New Deal Posters. and the Testing Schedule

Students work hard to create New Deal posters for the Great Depression programs.  The posters were informative and creative. Stop by the room and take a look at a few!

After Spring Break, we will begin preparing for the state tests.  This year ALL fifth graders will take the science and social studies state test.  The students will also take the ELA/ Reading ASPIRE test.

ASPIRE and PASS 2015 Testing Schedule
ACT Aspire Spring 2015 Test Administration Schedule
Grades 3–8
Test Date
Time Limit*
WritingApril 28 (Tuesday)30 min., grades 3–8
EnglishApril 28 (Tuesday)30 min., grades 3–5; 35 min., grades 6–8
ReadingApril 29 (Wednesday)60 min., grades 3–8
MathematicsApril 30 (Thursday)55 min., grades 3–5; 60 min., grades 6 & 7; 65 min., grade 8
Make-up Testing through May 13
*Note: The ACT Aspire assessments are timed tests.

PASS Test - May 7 (Thursday)          Science
PASS Test-  May 8 (Friday)               Social Studies

Chef York

We are so proud of Taijian for representing Pontiac as a young chef on last week.  We know his skills are going to take him great places. Wonderful job Taijian!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fifth Grade Joy!

Reonna, Jessica, Natalya, and Erica enjoyed learning how to clog on Arts Day.  

Students really enjoyed dressing as twins today.  Take a look at Justin and Zahir!

We look forward to seeing our fifth grade families for Literacy Night on this Thursday at 6:00 P.M. 

Image result for literacy clipart