
Monday, February 8, 2016

This Week's Update!

Image result for writing clipartI'm back on track so here are a few updates for this week!

Students will edit and revise their D.A.R.E. essays they began on last week.  They will also learn how to use transitional phrases and words in their writings.  Finally, students will practice writing text related questions with the use of an AVID Weekly informational graphic.

Soc. Stu.
Students will create a one-pager for the Panama Canal.  They will create a flip book in order to explain the programs created by Theodore Roosevelt and other progressives. Students will end the week by discussing why the United States participated in World War I.

Valentine's Day
We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12, 2016.  Your child has been given a class list so that he/she can exchange Valentines. There is no need to send in any additional snacks.

Field Study
Fifth graders will be taking a trip to Patriot's Point in Charleston on April 22.  Please take note of the payment schedule we placed in last week's newsletter.  Take a moment to read, complete, and return your child's permission slip if you haven't already done so.  Mrs. Morgan's class is in need of chaperons for the field study.  If you are interested, contact Mrs. Morgan.

Let's have a great week!

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