
Monday, October 26, 2015

A Look at our Week!

We have been practicing author's point of view in reading.  They have identified examples in literature and this week students will write captions and explanations.  There will be an assessment on author's point of view on Wednesday, October 28. As we read various fiction and nonfiction selections this week, students will investigate connections and make inferences. Since we are back on schedule, students will also wrap up any final writing assignments.

Image result for native american clipartSocial Studies
On today, students discussed the conflicts between U.S. soldiers, government and Native Americans during westward expansion.  We will review their study guide for the
test on westward expansion on Tuesday.  There will be a class review on Wednesday and the unit test will take place on Thursday.

We are beginning to identify WICOR in our daily lessons in both social studies and ELA.  Ask your child the meaning of WICOR. By Friday, he or she should be able to give you an example of a WICORized lesson we've completed in class.  Thank you for supporting the canned good drive for Harvest Hope.  Over three hundred pounds of food was donated on behalf of Pontiac's AVID students.  Thank you for the support!

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