
Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Few Announcements!

Report Cards

Report Cards will be sent home today. Please review your child's progress and send his/her signed report card cover back to school on Friday. 

5th Grade Field Study 

Image result for patriot's pointWhere: Patriot's Point in Charleston, SC

When: April 22, 2016

Cost: $40.00

Due Date: April 18, 2016

* If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Morgan. 

Come to AVID Parent Night!

Image result for avid

Our 4th and 5th grade AVID teachers will be hosting an AVID Parent Night on April 14, 2016 at 6pm.  Our theme of the night will be transitions!  We’ll focus on how your child will use AVID in their next grade level.  You’ll hear about how things work in middle school AVID and how AVID in 5th grade builds upon strategies learned in 4th grade.  Students will also have a chance to showcase some of the work they’ve done with AVID this year at Pontiac!  Dinner will be served at no cost to families.  The menu will consist of hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, and lemonade.  We do ask that you RSVP so that we know how many families plan to attend.  Please use the portion of the form below to indicate the number of people attending.  Once it’s filled out, return it to your child’s teacher.

*RSVPs will be taken until April 8th, 2016

Parent(s) Name __________________________________________________________

Student(s) Name ___________________________     Grade Level _____      

Teacher Name _____________________________

(please include your child/children in the number of attendees you write below)

_____ Yes I will attend the AVID Parent Night and I will have ________ people with me.

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