
Monday, April 18, 2016

This Week's Updates!

Soc. Stu. 
There will be a social studies test on World War II on Wednesday, April 20. Students can review their notes and the study guide in order to prepare for the assessment. 

We have been reviewing reading concepts and writing practices in ELA.  On Tuesday, we will review Latin roots.  Students will be given a Latin roots quiz on Thursday, April 21. They did a great job on their Greek roots quiz on last week. 

Field Study
On tomorrow students will bring home a few field trip reminders for Friday's field study to Patriot's Point. There is also a copy posted below. Please review the reminders with your child. Feel free to contact Mrs. Nelson or Mrs. Morgan if you have any concerns. 


- Breakfast in a bag needed for the morning.  No sodas...just juice, milk or water (preferable a container with a twist on top.)
- Please have students in the cafeteria by 6:45 am to prepare to get on the buses.
- Students need to wear comfortable clothes for an  degree day and comfortable shoes for walking.  We have to still follow the Pontiac Dress code ( no white t-shirt, girls.)
- Hats, visors, and sunblock are allowed as are lightweight backpacks.  We will proceed with our day even if it is cold or rainy, so students need to plan accordingly.
- Lunch will be provided for everyone.
- If your child will be riding home with someone else when we return, please send his/her teacher a note as soon as possible.
-No electronic devices except cameras allowed on the trip.  Students will be responsible for all their own belongings. Teachers will have phones if calls are necessary.

Fifth Grade Recognition Ceremony 
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

6:30 P.M.

SC Ready Testing Dates:
ELA Session 1 - Tuesday, April 26
ELA Session 2 - Wednesday, April 27
Mathematics - Thursday, April 28

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