
Monday, April 25, 2016

A Few Reminders

Students will be state testing Tuesday April 26 - Thursday April 28. Please make sure that your child receives plenty of rest and a good breakfast for testing this week. We want each child to do their best. 

Friday, April 29, 2016 
This is an early dismissal day for students. Bagged lunches will be served.  Please plan accordingly.

Spring pictures were sent home two weeks ago.  If you have decided not to purchase the pictures, return them to your child's homeroom teacher. If you are purchasing any of the pictures in the packet, send in the appropriate payment with your child. 

Due to state testing, your child will not have any homework in ELA and social studies until Thursday. 

5th Grade Recognition Ceremony
The recognition ceremony will take place on Tuesday, May 31 at 6:30 p.m.  The attire is dressy casual for students.  Contact your child's homeroom teacher if you have any concerns. 

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